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Skedaddle and Cycle Helmets

Safe and fun cycling with Skedaddle – put a helmet on!

Saddle Skedaddle is a long established and well-respected cycling holiday tour operator, established by and run by people who are keen cyclists and advocates of cycling as a means of transport, a leisure activity and as a way of travelling and exploring. Over the years we have built our reputation for offering quality holidays with excellent customer service and providing holidays in a safe and enjoyable way.

Clearly the debate is still ongoing about the use of cycle helmets and their effectiveness and the apparent knock on effects of compulsory helmet use on the number of people cycling. However as a company organising cycling holidays and events and with a duty of care to participants we have a very clear policy.

As a responsible company liable for the safety of our clients we take very seriously the duty of care we have towards our customers. In legal terms Saddle Skedaddle are contracted to our clients to provide a service (e.g. a cycling holiday or event) and as part of our duty of care and recognising our need to undertake appropriate due diligence we have an obligation to work to recognised principles of best practice. In this case the generally recognised best practice whilst organising cycling holidays and events is to wear a cycle helmet. This is a practice followed by the majority of companies and organisations offering cycling experiences whether they are holidays or events such as sportives and mountain bike events.

With over 20 years of experience taking thousands of people on cycling holidays it is our belief that cycling helmets do provide a significant degree of protection against head injury in case of an accident. In the activity sports industry best practice is to wear relevant personal protection equipment at all times; for example when providing kayaking activities reputable companies insist you wear a life jacket, similarly when you drive a car you wear a seat belt. When undertaking a Saddle Skedaddle cycling holiday we insist people wear a cycling helmet.

Be safe and have fun!