
Sustrans makes it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle. The charity works to support a society where the way we travel creates healthier places and happier lives for everyone.

A world where as many people as possible travel by bike, live healthy-sustainable lifestyles and feel connected to their communities is a vision we at Skedaddle share with charity Sustrans. That’s why it felt like the perfect match to join forces with this UK-wide charity and inspire as many people as we can to get out on their bike and explore the great outdoors.

The National Cycle Network is a network of 12,786 miles of signed walking and cycling routes which span across the UK, passing within 1 mile of around half of the UK population. The Network carries an estimate of 589 million trips each year. As custodians of the Network, Sustrans’ role is to care for it, improve it, and champion a long-term vision for its future.

Many of our iconic UK holiday routes travel along large proportions of the Network, including the stunning Hadrian’s Cycleway and the immensely popular C2C (Sea to Sea). That’s why we support Sustrans to maintain this amazing national asset. By working together, we believe we can encourage even more people to take to two wheels for everyday journeys.

We donate for every mile you cycle along the National Cycle Network

Over 14 years ago, we pioneered an ongoing partnership to help raise awareness of Sustrans among our customers. Each year, we make a donation to Sustrans for every mile cycled along the NCN during one of our holidays. Last year, you cycled a whopping 146,365 miles on the NCN with us. Since 2010, we have donated over £54,000 thanks to your ongoing support.

If you’re in need of some holiday essentials for your next trip, visit the Sustrans online shop where you’ll find some excellent maps and guides showing you the best parts of the Network.

About Sustrans

Sustrans is a UK-wide charity, working for and with communities, helping them come to life by walking, wheeling and cycling to create healthier places and happier lives for everyone.

Imagine a safe and accessible traffic-free Network which spans across the UK. Free from barriers preventing people from using it, where nature is thriving. A place that could be used by a 12-year old travelling alone. Where people want to be. This is Sustrans’ vision for the National Cycle Network.

The network provides a space for people to access green space, to travel sustainably and for nature to thrive. We are facing an ecological and climate emergency in the UK. As custodians of the National Cycle Network Sustrans is working to make more space for nature on the Network, develop greener, more biodiverse traffic-free paths and create habitats for wildlife to both live and travel.

Sustrans campaign for change calling for places to be designed around people, not cars. They believe places which we live, work and enjoy ourselves in should be planned around people and create a sense of community which enable people to live healthier and happier lives. Sustrans conduct research and call on local and national governments to bring the voices of marginalised communities into the heart of decision-making.  

Find out how you can support Sustrans and discover your local parts of the Network.

Explore the National Cycle Network With Us

C2C – Coast to Coast – England

This cycling challenge is one of the most iconic and well-known bike rides in the UK. We have a fantastic selection of supported and self-guided iteneraries for all abilities.

Hadrian’s Cycleway – England

Follow in the footsteps of Roman soldiers, whilst experiencing the rich heritage of Cumbria and Northumberland. Set your own pace over three, four or six days.

The Caledonia Way – Scotland

This incredible 234 mile cycling journey slices through the iconic Highlands and takes you through some of Scotland’s most breathtaking scenery.

Lochs and Glens – Scotland

A gorgeous small group guided or self-guided ride following quiet paths from Loch Lomond, past the Grampian Mountains before heading south towards Perth.