
Mountains and Coast

Guided Bike Tour




15 days

Prices from

$2,640 P.P.
We're passionate believers that seeing somewhere by bike is the absolute best way of doing it and this is certainly true in Vietnam, perhaps more so than any other country in Asia. During this stunning cycling holiday in Vietnam we'll explore its finest backroads, to get the full "surround-sound" effect - you'll be able to interact with local children cycling to school, smell delicious wafts of street food cooking, see stunning scenery and feel the incredibly varied Vietnamese weather on your skin.
Our journey begins in Vietnam's former capital Ho Chi Minh city, still often referred to as Saigon by locals and tourists alike. The city has managed to retain a lot of its historic charms while evolving in to a bustling modern city. From here we head north to the Cu Chi tunnels where we'll get a real insight into the Vietnam war from a local perspective. Next we're off to the stunning coastline at Miu Ne where we can enjoy a swim and a fantastic sunset across the South China Sea. From the coast we head inland to the former French colonial hillstation of Dalat and then we're descending all the way to Nha Trang - famed for its 6km beach, crystal clear water and fantastic seafood.
From Nha Trang our route follows the coast north, riding through tiny villages, past rice paddies and well away from the tourist trail, before heading on to the UNESCO world heritage site of Hoi An. From here we travel to Hue where we spend a couple of days exploring this fantastic area, before boarding a sleeper train to our final destination - Hanoi. We'll spend a day here exploring this fascinating city, taking in the sights and the sounds, before flying home at the end of the holiday.
It's more than 1100 miles (nearly 1800 kms) from Saigon to Hanoi, so in order to fit in the best bits of cycling and to miss out some of the busier urban sections, this cycling holiday in Vietnam uses transfers to get us out of the cities and onto the quieter backroads. Don't let this put you off however - it just means you can save your energy for the great riding that can be found off the beaten track.


  • Exploring the lesser visited parts of Vietnam by bike
  • Stunning Saigon – the ‘Pearl of the Orient’
  • Heading off the tourist trail in the Central Highlands
  • Treating your tastebuds to Vietnam’s legendary cuisine
  • Get your caffeine hit with a fresh roadside brew
  • Soaking up the sunshine at beautiful Nha Trang

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Day 1

Depart home and take overnight flights to Vietnam, arriving the following morning.

Day 2
Arrival into Vietnam - Transfer to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
Non Riding Day
  • Ascent: Non Riding Day

Our trip starts in The Pearl of the Orient – Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon as most locals and visitors still call it. On arrival you’ll be transferred to your hotel (journey time approx. 30 mins), after which you’ll have time to go out and explore this the city, before meeting our guides and fellow guests in the early evening.

After the welcome meeting (usually held around 18.00), your guides will select one of the many fine restaurants, and accompany the group for our first taste of authentic Vietnamese cuisine.

Day 3
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and Cu-Chi Tunnels
25 Miles / 40 Kms Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Ascent: 120 Metres Approx.

We start as we mean to go on, with the perfect mix of cycling, culture and exploration. So as to avoid a busy section of traffic, we’ll drive out of Saigon, before cycling along a series of rural back-roads that will lead us through rice paddies and rubber plantations to the Cu Chi Tunnels. A vast area of tunnels that were dug by the Viet Minh and Viet Cong, during the Vietnam War to avoid bombing and which also served as a base from which to operate the resistance movement.

After our visit we’ll take our support vehicle back to Saigon, where we’ll have the chance to explore some of the sights, including a couple of museums that detail the events of the war.

Total driving time 2 hours

Day 4
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) to Mui Ne
37 Miles / 60 Kms Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast, lunch
  • Ascent: 330 Metres Approx.

Following breakfast, we transfer to the outskirts of Saigon to near the Dong Nai River where our cycling begins (Transfer approx. 2.5 hours). This morning’s picturesque route takes us past numerous rice paddies and rubber plantations as we cycle through several small towns and villages.

After a well-deserved lunch in Binh Chau we hop aboard our support vehicle and head to Mui Ne (transfer approx. 2.5 hours), a place famous for its beautiful white sandy beach. Once here, there’s surely no better way to end the day than watching the sun set over the ocean with a chilled beer.

Total driving time 4.5 hours.

Day 5
Mui Ne to Dalat
34 Miles / 55 Kms Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast, lunch
  • Ascent: 520 Metres Approx.

Starting from the hotel, our initial cycling sees us following the coastline before we turn inland into the foothills of the Central Highlands. This rural route whilst remarkably quiet does have a few pre-lunch hills to test the legs.

After lunch at a small roadside café specialising in noodle soup, we’ll be back on our bikes and return to the quiet rural roads, that are fortunately flatter than those we encountered earlier in the day. At the end of the ride we transfer up into the higher reaches of the Central Highlands and our overnight destination of Dalat.

Along the way, we pass-by an abundance of coffee and tea plantations as well as flower gardens and pine forests. This former French colonial hill station was founded over 100 years ago, as a resort town to escape the humidity of the coast. Whilst the French colonialists are long gone, Dalat still retains its colonial charm with a large number of magnificent villas reminding us of days gone by.

Total driving time 5 hours.

Day 6
Dalat to Nha Trang
62 Miles / 100 Kms Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast, lunch
  • Ascent: 1,800 Metres Approx.

Time to head to the coast! We’ll transfer in the support vehicle approx. 15 minutes out of town. The route this morning heads through some stunning scenery, and sees us riding deep in the Central Highlands through a mix of agricultural land, coffee plantations and lush tropical forest.

Although the route contains a number of climbs, the stunning scenery throughout will spur you along, as will the thoughts of another delicious lunch that will be taken at the top of the final climb.

What goes up, must come down and from here we continue on the bikes with a stunning downhill to the valley floor. The descent is on wide sweeping roads and loses 1500m in vertical height over 30kms and is a real treat.

Once we’ve reached the plains, we’ll board the support vehicle and continue our journey to Nha Trang (Transfer approx. 1hour). With its lovely sunny climate, crystal clear blue waters, stunning 6km beach and fantastic seafood, it’s little wonder that Nha Trang is Vietnam’s premier beach resort.

Total driving time 1.5 hours.

Day 7
Nha Trang - Free Day
Non Riding Day
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Ascent: Non Riding Day

After our challenging ride yesterday, Nha Trang is the perfect place in which to relax. But for those with energy to spare, there are plenty of activities on offer. These include snorkelling in the crystal clear waters, taking a boat trip out to one of the nearby islands or visiting some of the interesting temples that are dotted around the city. Whatever you choose today, they’ll be plenty of time to enjoy the sun, sea and sand as well as the city’s vibrant nightlife and delicious food in the evening.

Day 8
Nha Trang to Quy Nhon
50-62 Miles / 80-100 Kms Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast, lunch
  • Ascent: 400 Metres Approx.

An early start to the day, as we transfer to Co Ma Pass where we begin cycling. The route today undulates along the coast, with the climbs generally short and not too challenging. Our cycling will take us to the beautiful fishing village of Dai Lanh, where after a short break at its beautiful beach, we continue cycling to Ca Pass and Tuy Hoa where we have lunch.

In the afternoon we take to the bikes again for a lovely ride that will take us through an area of rice paddies and small holdings. At the end of the ride we transfer to the relaxed seaside city of Quy Nhon where we are based for the night.

Total driving time 2-3 hours.

Day 9
Quy Nhon to Quang Ngai
50 Miles / 80 Kms Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast, lunch
  • Ascent: 450 Metres Approx.

We’ll transfer this morning approx. 15 minutes to Thi Nai Bridge where we’ll start today’s ride, taking us through numerous fishing villages and rice paddies along the middle coast of Vietnam.

Lunch will be arranged at a local restaurant on the way, and before we meet the highway, we’ll hop back on the bus and transfer (approx. 2 hours) our accommodation in Quang Ngai.

Total driving time 2.5 hours.

Day 10
Quang Ngai to Hoi An
25 Miles / 40 Kms Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Ascent: 230 Metres Approx.

After breakfast, we start cycling to the site of the My Lai Massacre where we will visit the memorial and the museum. Passing numerous fish farms, salt farms and rice paddies on the way.

Back on the bikes we then continue northwards, staying close to the coastline and riding on small backroads where possible. We’ll reach Binh Hoa market where we’ll hop back to the bus and drive to Hoi An, our home for the next couple of days.

Total driving time: 3-3.5 hours

Day 11
Hoi An - Free Day
Non Riding Day
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Ascent: Non Riding Day

Hoi An was for three centuries one of the most important ports in Vietnam, visited by sailing ships from all over the world seeking trade in silk, ceramics and spices, but in the late 19th Century trade moved up the coast to Danang, and Hoi An returned to its sleepy existence.

Today its fortunes are once again riding high following UNESCO’s listing of the Old Town as a World Heritage Site. Its quaint narrow streets are packed with ancient Chinese, Portuguese and Japanese styles of architecture. Our walking tour here is a great way to explore its sites which includes the Chinese Assembly Hall and the Japanese Covered Bridge. Hoi An is also the perfect place to take a leisurely boat trip or enjoy the wonderful cuisine on offer at some of the town’s numerous eateries.

Day 12
Hoi An to Hue
49 Miles / 78 Kms (Option of 30 Kms Extention) Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast, dinner
  • Ascent: 800 Metres Approx.

This morning we take the scenic route to Hue, through a region of Vietnam blessed with magnificent rural and coastal scenery. Following arrival at Danang, we start our ride with a gentle warm up, before taking on the winding ascent of the Hai Van Pass – Pass of the Ocean Clouds. At it’s summit you should be rewarded with stunning views of the South China Sea, before setting off on a superb descent.

The afternoon’s ride takes us through beautiful rural scenery, which is characterised by numerous cemeteries with their ornate and highly decorative graves.

Time allowing there is an option here to head straight back to Hue or to continue riding a further 30Kms through the cemeteries and along the coastline out to Thuan An Beach.

At the end of the ride we pack up the bikes for the drive to the fabulous Hue, where we arrive late afternoon. Serving as Vietnam’s capital from 1801 to 1945, it has a serene and classic character.

Total driving time 1.5 – 2 hrs

Day 13
Hue - City Tour by bike
12 Miles / 20 Kms Approx.
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Ascent: 100 Metres Approx.

Setting off straight from our hotel, we embark on a guided tour of the city by bike. First stop is the Citadel where we explore the Royal Walled City and Forbidden Purple Palace. The Palace’s splendid Ngo Mon Gate gives a hint of the destruction that has taken place over the years, but with the help of UNESCO and other NGOs, it is gradually being restored.

After our visit to the Citadel, we hop aboard a Dragon Boat and sail along the Perfume River so as to visit Thien Mu – one of the oldest and most significant pagodas in Hue, and the Tomb of Emperor Tu Duc. From here we pedal back to our hotel, where you have a chance to freshen-up before transferring to the train station for the Reunification Express and our overnight journey to Hanoi.

Day 14
Hanoi - Sightseeing
Non Riding Day
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Ascent: Non Riding Day

Hanoi’s grand colonial buildings, together with the wide spacious boulevards and tree-lined lakes, ensure it is one of most graceful and charming cities in South East Asia.

Our tour here showcases some of Hanoi’s most interesting attractions, including the One Pillar Pagoda, the Soviet-inspired Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and the Temple of Literature. Founded in 1070, it was Vietnam’s first institute of learning and where candidates for the position of Mandarin were examined. Our final visit is to Hoa Lo Prison, which is better known as the ‘Hanoi Hilton’. The remainder of your time is spent in the Old Quarter, north of the Hoan Kiem Lake. This is a great place to wander around and pick-up some last minute souvenirs, prior to our final taste of Vietnamese cuisine as we reflect on our time in this beautiful country.

Day 15
Departure from Vietnam: Hanoi
  • Meals: Breakfast

Departure after breakfast to the airport for onward connections (journey time approx. 1 hour).

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The Cycling


The heat and humidity means we set a reasonably leisurely cycling pace, and where possible we stick largely to quiet rural roads. While the majority of these are sealed, they are sometimes not in the best of condition and the verges particularly can give way to hard packed dirt. Where the main road is busy, we occasionally take dirt roads for a more scenic ride.

The route is a mixture of flat riding in the plains and hillier routes in the Central Highlands. There are occasional more challenging climbs of up to 1000m / 3280ft where our support vehicle will be on hand for those who prefer a lift.

vietnamcycling holiday3.jpg

Cycling Adventures Grade

Grade 3 : Moderate

Distances generally between 20-45 miles / 32-72 kms per day

For the leisure cyclist with a good level of physical fitness

May include some steeper, cheeky climbs

Possibly sections of varying terrain (eg. forest tracks, gravel paths etc)

Our grading guidelines have been carefully created based on our many years of cycling experience, as well as customer feedback from our trips. Of course, if you're still struggling to figure out where you fit on the scale, do feel free to give us a quick call and we'll be more than happy to help!

For more information about our grading system click here.

Is this suitable for you?

Although you may not cycle everyday, you do keep yourself relatively fit and maybe enjoy an afternoon out on your bike at the weekend. Your preference is perhaps for flatter terrain but you don’t mind tackling some hills, and the occasional steep climb if you can take it at your own pace. For those happy to tackle some ups and downs, and possibly some sections of varying terrain (eg. forest tracks, gravel paths etc) we’d recommend our grade 3 trips. We’d generally expect those on a Grade 3 holiday to have a decent level of physical fitness and be comfortable with some longer days in the saddle.

For more information about the grading of this holiday in particular, please check out the terrain section which will give you some specifics of what to expect on this tour.

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Dates & Prices

Secure Your Holiday With A Deposit

Book now with a $375 deposit and nothing more to pay until 60 days before departure. Choose a date to start your booking and see all prices, including bike hire and single room supplements.

Select a date to view prices and book
Start Date
End Date
Price p.p.
Start Date
Return Date
15 days
Start Date
Return Date
15 days
Start Date
Return Date
15 days
Start Date
Return Date
15 days
Start Date
Return Date
15 days
Start Date
Return Date
15 days
Start Date
Return Date
15 days
Start Date
Return Date
15 days

Whats Included Tick

A) Accommodation (shared twin rooms)

B) 1 night sleeper train

C) Meals as per itinerary (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner)

D) Snacks and water during the riding.

E) Full tour service including guides, back up vehicles, etc.

F) Unless stated at least one English speaking guide / leader qualified in First aid procedures.

G) Entrance fees for all the visits mentioned in the program

H) Airport transfer from Saigon’s Tan Son Nhat International Airport (SGN) (Day 2)

I) Airport transfer to Hanoi’s Noi Bai International Airport (HAN) (Day 15)

J) Financial Protection through ABTOT

What's not Included Cross

A) Bike rental (available if required)

B) Flights and associated costs for travelling with a bike

C) Vietnamese visa (if required)

D) Bar bills, hotel refreshments, laundry, telephone calls, souvenirs, Tips etc

E) Travel insurance

F) Personal clothing and equipment

G) Any optional tours mentioned in the itinerary

H) Airport transfers on days other than the scheduled arrival and departure days

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Private Departures

Private Departures

Are you keen to only travel with your family or friends? Struggling to find the right date? Well, we can organise a private departure for this tour and tailor aspects to suit your group's specific needs. Contact our friendly team and we'll help you turn your dream into reality.

The Essentials

Travel Options

We ask that you fly into Saigon’s Tan Son Nhat International Airport (SGN) and back from Hanoi’s Noi Bai International Airport (HAN).

With most options from Europe an overnight flight, our itinerary is designed with a flight departing on day 1 to arrive on day 2

Group airport transfers are included in the holiday cost and both the arrival and return transfers will be co-ordinated with the group flight schedule. We will provide you with details of suitable flight/arrival/departure schedules as flight timetables become available.

Please check with us before making any travel arrangements to ensure we have reached the minimum number required to guarantee your holiday and to make sure your arrangements fit with our scheduled transfers.

Please note If you make travel arrangements that fall outside of the scheduled transfer windows, there may be an additional charge for individual transfers.


Your accommodation for this trip is mainly 3 star rated, well appointed hotels in central locations. The rooms will generally have air conditioning, an en suite bathroom, TV and a fridge.

We will also spend one night on the sleeper train, travelling from Hue to Hanoi. The train is comfortable and we will be in 4 person soft sleeper cabins with air conditioning. Bedding is provided for this journey, though some people prefer to use their own silk sleeping bag liner instead which can easily be purchased in Hue. Depending on the size of our group, we may sometimes need to share our cabins with other travellers using the same service. The train is equipped with a dining car, but most people also like to take along snacks.

Bike Hire

If you don’t own a suitable bike or would prefer to avoid bringing your own we have bikes available to rent.

These bikes are typically Trek Marlin 6 (29ers), excellent mountain bikes featuring front suspension, disc brakes and good quality components. (One water bottle holder provided)

We also have a small number of e-bikes available to rent which are typically ADO D30 Lites (subject to availability). These bikes are pedal assist bikes (with a throttle functionality). We’d recommend if opting for an e-bike, trying one out before you travel, and being aware that the max speeds may be higher than what you may be used to at home. We’d always recommend being comfortable riding the distances and ascents stated on the trip notes, and enjoying the boost provided by the pedal assist as needed, but wouldn’t recommend using the throttle option if it can be avoided, as this can eat up the batteries very quickly.

If you do decide to rent we include all necessary spares for the trip. Please let us know at the time of booking if you’d like a helmet to be provided as we only have a limited number.

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News, Reviews & Stories

Long-haul travel: our top tips

Here's to exploring more of our beautiful and diverse world!

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